ddx 0.6.0
Libary for domain-decomposition methods for polarizable continuum models
Python interface

Download the python package pyddx

Using conda

Pyddx is available on conda-forge and can be seamlessly installed via conda:

conda install -c conda-forge pyddx

Using pip

You can download the python-interface with ddx from pypi.org following:

pip install pyddx

Note that at least pip 10 is required. Please find here the PyPI-webpage.


It is simplest by starting with an example. The following example can be found in examples/run_ddx.py.

In the terminal, run the example (from the root directory)

python examples/run_ddx.py

or launch it interactively within python:

import pyddx
import numpy as np
tobohr = 1 / 0.52917721092
charges = np.array([
-0.04192, -0.04192, -0.04198, -0.04192, -0.04192, -0.04198,
0.04193, 0.04193, 0.04197, 0.04193, 0.04193, 0.04197
rvdw = tobohr * np.array([
4.00253, 4.00253, 4.00253, 4.00253, 4.00253, 4.00253,
2.99956, 2.99956, 2.99956, 2.99956, 2.99956, 2.99956
centres = tobohr * np.array([
[ 0.00000, 2.29035, 1.32281],
[ 0.00000, 2.29035, -1.32281],
[ 0.00000, 0.00000, -2.64562],
[ 0.00000, -2.29035, -1.32281],
[ 0.00000, -2.29035, 1.32281],
[ 0.00000, 0.00000, 2.64562],
[ 0.00103, 4.05914, 2.34326],
[ 0.00103, 4.05914, -2.34326],
[ 0.00000, 0.00000, -4.68652],
[-0.00103, -4.05914, -2.34326],
[-0.00103, -4.05914, 2.34326],
[ 0.00000, 0.00000, 4.68652],
model = pyddx.Model("pcm", charges, centres, rvdw, solvent_epsilon=78.3553)
# Compute solute contributions (here just charges)
solute_multipoles = charges.reshape(1, -1) / np.sqrt(4 * np.pi)
solute_field = model.multipole_electrostatics(solute_multipoles)
solute_psi = model.multipole_psi(solute_multipoles)
# Solve the problem
state = pyddx.State(model, solute_field["phi"], solute_psi)
# Show results
energy = 0.5 * np.sum(state.x * solute_psi)
force = state.solvation_force_terms()

Use ddX in python

We now proceed with further informations. Within python, import the pyddx-package

>>> import pyddx

Model constructor

Define the model as follows

model = pyddx.Model(model, sphere_charges, sphere_centres, sphere_radii, solvent_epsilon)

Here, the model is constructed with the following mandatory arguments:

Argument number name type description
1 model string String with the model name, i.e. "cosmo", "pcm" or "lpb"
2 sphere_charges array Numpy-array containing the charges (of dimension 1 x n_spheres)
3 sphere_centres array Numpy-array containing the centres of the spheres/atoms (of dimension 3 x n_spheres)
4 sphere_radii array Numpy-array containing the radii of the cavity spheres (of dimension 1 x n_spheres)
5 solvent_epsilon double Value of the solvent dielectric permittivity

The following arguments are optional:

Name type description
solvent_kappa double Debye Hückel parameter \(\kappa_s\) of the bulk solvent
eta double Regularization parameter \(\eta\) of the smoothing function \(\chi_\eta\), range=[0,1]
lmax int Maximal degree \(\ell_{\max}\) of modeling spherical harmonics
n_lebedev int Approximate number of Lebedev grid points
incore bool Whether to compute and store sparse matrices (1) or apply the matrix-vector product on the fly (0), range={0,1}
The sparse matrices are the solution matrix of ddCOSMO referred to as \(L\) used in ddCOSMO and ddPCM, and the matrices \(A\) and \(B\) in ddLPB.
maxiter int Maximum number of iterations of the iterative solver before stopping
jacobi_n_diis int Number of Jacobi/DIIS extrapolation points
enable_fmm bool Whether to use (1) or not (0) the FMM, range={0,1}
fmm_multipole_lmax int Max degree of multipole spherical harmonics \(\tilde\ell_{\max}\) for the FMM (recommended value \(\tilde\ell_{\max}=\ell_{\max}\)).
fmm_local_lmax int Max degree of local spherical harmonics \(p_{\max}\) for the FMM (recommended value \(p_{\max}=6\)).
n_proc int Number of OpenMP cores to be used


The following functions are available

Name description
initial_guess Builds an initial guess for the state variable
solve Solves the linear system that defines the state variable
adjoint_solve Solves the adjoint linear system that is required for the force computation and/or the contribution to the Fock-/DFT-operator
force_terms Computes the forces due to the presence of the solvent, i.e. minus the gradient of the solvation energy w.r.t. the nuclear coordinates
solute_nuclear_contribution Returns the terms of the nuclear contribution to the solvation as a python dictionary
scaled_ylm Computes the scaled harmonics with reference to a atomic sphere "sphere" of radius "r" centred at "a" compute \(\frac{4π}{2 \ell +1} \cdot \frac{\|x-a\|^\ell}{r^\ell} \cdot Y_\ell^m(\|x-a\|)\)

For further informations about the arguments, see the documentation in python

>>> help(pyddx)
>>> help(pyddx.Model)
>>> help(pyddx.State)